What You Need to Know About a Sales Funnel Template [That You Wish You Knew Last Year]

One of the quickest ways to turn your blog or business into an automatic sales machine is by using a sales funnel template.

If you never heard of sales funnel templates before don’t worry I’ll explain later.

You already know that reducing your workweek to 20 hours means your business needs to have some automation built-in to save you time.

However, you are not sure exactly how to go about getting this done without having to learn technical stuff.

Another caveat is that you may not want to outsource this task but the cost may be prohibitive.

Picture this…

Your business has a few sales funnels set up so that it generates a decent income on autopilot every day.

This means that you no longer have to worry about stepping away from your business to do the stuff that you love.

Creating and editing a sales funnel from scratch can be a source of overwhelm and frustration.

In this post, you will learn the quickest way to get your hands on a sales funnel template that will free you up to get back to your zone of genius.

You will also see the best way to implement a high converting sales funnel template so that you can put your business income on autopilot.

white keyboard and white ballpen against a pink background

What is a Sales Funnel Template?

Are you new to sales funnels? Ever wondered why having one is important for you and your business?

In a recent post, I went into a lot of detail about what is a sales funnel here. You can take a look if you don’t understand the term sales funnel.

If you already know what is a sales funnel then the template is just a prebuilt funnel that you can take and customise to suit your business.

Here is a diagram showing you a self-liquidating offer funnel.

Self-Liquidating Offer - branded diagram

As you can see there are a lot of moving parts including the page, the copy or text on the page and the images for each item on the page.

There is also the connections between each element of the funnel, payment processing and even the Ads campaigns on Facebook.

How long do you think it will take you to create one of these funnels?

Because I have experience it can take me a few hours or up to a day to create one depending on what is required.

Key Elements of a Sales Funnel Template

Before looking at a few sales funnel template examples it would make sense to understand what are the essential items needed for a successful funnel.

In case you missed it I spent a lot of time going through sales funnel stages here.

If you are more interested in webinar funnels, the automated webinar funnel resource will be useful for you.

I am assuming you are more or less familiar with sales funnels but here is a reminder of essential items for every funnel.

  • A landing page
  • An irresistible offer
  • A signup form
  • An autoresponder
  • 1-4 follow up email sequences
  • An awesome delivery platform for the offer or lead magnet
  • A lead magnet
  • The product or service being delivered
  • A thank you page
  • The checkout cart
  • A payment processing engine

You may notice that I haven’t included the traffic element because that is not something that comes with a sales funnel template as standard.

Also, if you are hoping to create an evergreen webinar funnel I did not include the specific items needed for that funnel type.

Finally, other items that can increase the average order value of your sales funnel include an order bump as well as a one-time offer.

I would classify an order bump and one-time offer as nice to have items which you can set up later on.

woman sitting holding a pink coffee mug

Key Benefits of Sales Funnel Templates

At this point, you are probably thinking that it should be a pretty straight-forward process to set up a sales funnel template from scratch.

I can tell you from experience that this is not the case at all.

If you enjoy setting up sales funnels and get a lot of satisfaction from doing it then you will enjoy the set up process.

However, if you don’t like technical stuff, connecting up third party software, landing page builders, etc., then this can be your worse nightmare.

So, what are the key benefits of using a pre-made sales funnel template for you and your business?

  • No sleepless nights worrying about creating sales funnels
  • Acquire a pre-made sales funnel that is guaranteed to convert
  • You get to write the copy yourself or outsource this work
  • Changing the colours to match your brand is easy
  • Your business makes money on autopilot after it is implemented
  • No need to learn all the technical stuff
  • More free time to do the things that you actually enjoy
  • Gives you the ability to easily scale to a 6 or 7-figure business
  • Inserting order bumps and one-time offers will be a breeze

As you can see, getting a pre-made sales funnel template has a lot of value-add for your business.

It is up to you to decide which provider has the best templates and platform to suit your requirements.

Sales Funnel Templates Examples

Now that you understand the importance and benefits of a pre-made sales funnel template let’s see where you can get one for your business.

There are a number of supplier’s of these funnels but the difference among them include the cost and performance of their platforms.

Here are a list of sales funnel template applications.

  1. Systeme
  2. ClickFunnels
  3. CartFlows
  4. Thrive-Architect
  5. Kartra
  6. Kajabi
  7. OptimizePress
  8. Convertri
  9. DropFunnels

Let’s spend some time looking at each one in turn to get a better understanding of their features.

1. Systeme

It is a fairly new kid on the block but it is one of the platforms that tick all the boxes because it is like a complete system.

The features that come as standard include:

  • Landing pages
  • Evergreen webinars
  • Checkout pages
  • An autoresponder
  • Order bumps
  • One-time offers
  • Integration with Stripe and Paypal

Here’s a screenshot of their pricing plans and feature list.

Systeme sales funnel template features

The surprising thing that stands out about this platform is the fact that you can start for as low as $27 per month.

2. ClickFunnels

One of the most popular platforms on the market today is ClickFunnels and thanks to Russell Brunson this sales funnel platform is award-winning.

As a result, the entry price for a pre-made sales-funnel-template works out at $97 per month.

In fact, when you visit their market place it feels like you need to have a Masters degree in funnels to pick out the one you need.

ClickFunnels Marketplace

The funnel types include squeeze page, membership, application, two step tripwire and even a product launch funnel.

What I really like about these paid funnels is that many of them even come with templates for an email sequence as standard.

3. CartFlows

The mission of the guys who built CartFlows is to build better funnels for eCommerce businesses.

However, their sales funnel templates can also be used for a service-based business who also have a few packages for sale.

CartFlows sales funnel template features

Although there is a free version available it does not come as standard with upsells, downsells or order bumps.

The premium version costs $299 year which works out at $25 per month.

4. Thrive Architect

This company has been around for a number of years and they are well known for their lead forms called Thrive leads as well as their landing page builder called Thrive Architect.

It does not have the full feature set to deem it a fully featured sales funnel template builder.

However, the three key elements that you can get from the folks at Thrive Themes are landing page templates, lead capture forms and countdown timers.

Their annual package works out at $19 a month if you want access to all their features.

5. Kartra

Another platform that comes with almost a complete feature set is Kartra.

They have interesting campaign builders included as standard and they even have their own autoresponder built-in.

Checkout templates and the ability to host videos can be found on their platform.

If you have a knack for understanding “if this, then that” logic then you will like Kartra.

I used it recently for a test campaign and I was surprised at all the features that are included as standard such as the help desk option.

One thing I did not thoroughly enjoy about Kartra is the clunky feel when working with the platform.

Let’s just say that the experience was not as smooth as I expected.

In comparison to all the other sales funnel template platforms, Kartra can be a bit pricey. Their annual price is $99 a month over 12 months.

6. Kajabi

If you are looking for a platform that almost has it all including a fully pre-made sales funnel template then you would like the look of Kajabi.

Inside Kajabi there is a feature called Pipelines that allows you to use their pre-formated sales campaigns.

I was blown away when I realised that they have pre-made sales templates for webinars, product launches and even coaching campaigns.

Did I mention that they have everything that you need for each of those campaigns including the email sequences that are required for success?

You must be aware that although Kajabi has a pre-made webinar campaign they do not have the ability to host webinars on their platform.

Here’s a screenshot of their pricing plans.

Kajabi sales funnel template prices

Yes, $119 per month over 12 months is pretty steep when you consider that the price of similar platforms are a lot less.

However, many businesses will pay for their hosting, course platform and email service provider separately which works out at around the same monthly price.

I came across a few posts in Facebook Groups of users complaining about issues with Kajabi

There were items not working well on the courses section of Kajabi. So, I just wanted to let you know what I heard through the grapevine.

7. OptimizePress

This company has been around for a number of years now so I know that they are good at what they do.

They offer almost everything you need to build out a high converting sales funnel.

Their features include landing pages, thank you pages, webinar registration pages, checkout pages (using OptimizeCheckouts on the premium plan), one-click upsells, down sells and order bumps.

There is also a direct integration with Stripe so that you can take payments directly on your website.

You will also have the ability to create pop up forms.

Here is a screenshot of the pricing plan including their corresponding features.

OptimizePress sales funnel template pricing

At $199 a year that works out at less than $20 a month and it allows you to use your own email service provider as well as integrate your choice of webinar software.

Yes, you will also need to get your own membership platform as well.

8. Convertri

I have been watching this company for a while and what they are offering is very impressive.

Their unique selling point is blazing fast sales funnels.

If you head over to their templates page here you will see that they offer over 250 sales funnel templates and they even show you their speeds.

This may not come as a surprise to you but their pricing is not cheap but it is in line with market levels when compared to the competition.

Here is a screenshot of their pricing plan.

Convertri Pricing Plan

As if that was not exciting enough Convertri also has a page importer which allows you to import your existing high converting pages.

I also like the fact that they offer a WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to seamlessly display your Convertri pages on your existing WordPress site.

9. DropFunnels

A new kid on the block that is getting a lot of reviews is a platform called DropFunnels.

What I can see so far is that users have the ability to use this software for most parts of their business.

Their features include:

  • Landing pages
  • Blog posts
  • Unlimited funnels
  • Stripe integration
  • Custom domain mapping
  • Membership sites and course
  • Link tracking
  • WordPress hosting

To help you understand their pricing structure here is a screenshot.

DropFunnels pricing structure

So, if you are currently paying for WordPress hosting, a hosting platform for your courses, landing page software, etc. these prices are very attractive.

They do claim to have a schema based SEO framework to help you rank your pages better as well.

What I love is the fact that you can literally import your existing site from WordPress or ClickFunnels and you will be up and running within hours.

Number 1 lazy hack to get you working 20 hours a week or less


As you can see the options are endless when it comes to finding the perfect pre-made sales funnel template for your business.

The most important things to consider before looking at the various options available is to consider your buyer’s journey.

Technology will only work for you if you have an intimate understanding of your ideal client.

Get to know his or her struggles, fear, dreams, desires and hopes.

Once you understand them and how you can solve their challenges then spend some time mapping out their journey in your business.

Using a simple plan that you map out with a pen and paper can really bring you the clarity that you need to make your sales funnel dreams a reality.

It could be that you will have more than one journey depending on the entry point of that ideal client to your business.

Whether you need help mapping out your client journey or just assistance building the perfect sales funnel I do offer a custom sales funnel service.

Just book some time in my calendar here for an initial free consultation.

Over to you what has been your experience using a sales funnel template?

Do let me know in the comments below.


Remember to subscribe to the Success Unscrambled Podcast where you will be the first to hear what’s happening in the entrepreneurial and digital marketing world.

Your positive review of this podcast is vital to keeping it alive and running for the next 12 – 24 months so please leave a positive review for us on iTunesSpotify or any of your favourite podcast players.

If you are brand new to the concept of sales funnels you can learn more about what is a sales funnel here.

Are you at that point of trying to figure out which sales funnel you need? Then check out the 7 types of sales funnels here.

Want to start generating leads on autopilot by increasing the know, like and trust factor? Take a look at this automated webinar funnel resource here.

Need to understand and align your buyer’s journey with your sales funnel? Grab this resource about sales funnel stages here.

It is my dream to help creative female entrepreneurs like you to skyrocket their business using simple and fun marketing techniques.

So that you can get back to your zone of genius and spend more time doing what you love including cuddling your family and loved ones.

26 thoughts on “What You Need to Know About a Sales Funnel Template [That You Wish You Knew Last Year]”

  1. This is really in depth and am loving it! I recently read a book form Russell Brunson and love all that I learned and his tips do work for me. I am for sure checking out ClickFunnels for myself and appreciate you sharing and I am bookmarking this page 🙂

  2. This is what I am working on at the moment for a client in a freelance project. It is very important to think well ahead and transform the user into a customer. I didn’t know that there were so many platforms out there that supplied sales funnels templates.

    • Joanna, you are right that it is important to think ahead. Yes, there are tons of platforms that do sales funnel templates but only 1-2 do the complete solution.

  3. I’m not in the niche for sales, but this is so helpful should I venture more into sales. I’m going to bookmark this for the future, should my website take a different turn. OptimizePress sounds excellent.

  4. This is incredibly helpful and well thought out. I never knew much about a sales funnel before reading this. All the places you listed sounds like they’ll come in handy for this.

    • Amber, there’s so much to learn about the online marketing world that I wish I had the time to implement and test them all.

    • Jessica, you should implement it so that it can save you a ton of time and generate income for you on autopilot.

  5. I’ve never had a sales funnel before but I have looked into it back when I was planning on selling things. I still might sell things in the future and might need one, but for now, I’m content with what I have. Anything added on at this point is just too complicated for me to comprehend!
    Great post though! You’ve taken us through the main points and explained it well, which I appreciate!

  6. After I had read your previous post on sales funnel, I did a bit more research on it. Sales funnels allow companies to visualize each step that prospects take on the path to conversion.

    • Monidipa, yes, you can use it to visualize each step but you can also implement it into a business after you understand each step of the journey.

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