
How to Actually Turn Your Blog Into 11 Content Pieces With Ease

You just hit publish on your brand new blog post and you now need to figure out content repurposing.

It is so tedious coming up with a topic each and every week, spending hours researching, editing and writing only to have to promote as well.

Surely, brands must realise the amount of work that goes into keeping a blog fresh and exciting every day.

They are always eager to take advantage of your labour of love by asking you to promote their stuff for free.

As a blogger you knew that ‘this blogging thing’ was never going to be a walk in the park.

The truth is that you would think that someone would have invented an easier way to turn blog posts into several pieces of content.

So that it would be a whole lot easier to spread the news about your blog across social media.

In this post, you will learn how to take a single blog post and turn it into over 11 pieces of content in under 3 hours using content repurposing hacks.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing involves taking a piece of content like a video, podcast, blog, ebook or anything and reusing it for something else.

The best way to explain this is by giving you an analogy from the kitchen.

I have to warn you that this analogy may forever change your perception of Ireland. Haha!

There is a cake in Ireland called Gur cake. If you already purchased it in your life time then you may know where this is going.

Gur cake is a pastry confection that is made from a whole bunch of left over cake in a bakery.

Apart from cinnamon, orange juice, sugar, tea and shortcut pastry the main ingredient in Gur cake is actually cake crumbs or left over cake.

Did you just make a weird face while reading this blog post? Haha!

Anyway, your blog post consist of sentences which make up paragraphs and in the same way these sentences are like cake crumbs.

I’m going to show you how to take those precious cake crumbs and make something that is even more beautiful than Gur cake.

Where is Your Audience?

Before running off with excitement and spraying sentences all over the place incessantly let’s stop and develop a strategy first.

In this exercise you want to get the most return on your blogging investment which means concentrated effort where it matters.

Do you know the top three places where your potential audience hangs out?

As you already know there are 5 major social media platforms which include Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Of course, Snapchat and TikTok are still there in the background and it is not my intention to teach you a new platform in this post.

My advice to you is pick three of the 5 platforms or if you are comfortable with all 5 that is fine as well.

Once you decide on which platforms you want to promote this new blog post then think about the format.

Which Format is Best?

The reason why you are focusing on the format is because you need to revisit the goals and objectives of your blog or business.

What are you hoping to achieve by promoting this content?

Here is a shortlist of possible outcomes.

  1. Awareness
  2. Feedback or research
  3. Website traffic
  4. Grow email list
  5. Advertise a free class or webinar
  6. Get eyeballs on a tripwire
  7. Sell a signature course

As you can see the possibilities are endless and depending on your goal your blog post can be promoted for 30 to 300 days consistently.

So, depending on your objective the format you create should help you to accomplish those specific goals.

It will also make sense to look at each platform so that you can make a clear assessment as to which one will help you reach your goals more effectively.

Which Platform is Best?

As I mentioned previously there are 5 major platforms and each of them have their own unique way for displaying content.

In some instances you may want to consider paying to get your content in front of your target audience.

The focus of this post is to look at all the free ways that can be used to promote your content without paying for ads.

The platforms are:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest
  5. LinkedIn

Let’s look at each platform and their display formats so that you can decide what will work for you in this instance.


Facebook consists of personal profiles, business pages and groups. A Business can promote content on a business page or inside of groups.

The kind of content that can be used on pages or in groups include the following:

  • Posts
  • Videos (native and Facebook Live)
  • Posts with links
  • Images
  • Polls
  • Stories

In terms of demographics and gender, the age range on Facebook tends to be 24 and up for both males and females.


There is no real distinction between a business or personal account on Twitter.

It is a great platform to connect with other people in business without the need for buying credits.

The content that can be used on Twitter accounts include the following:

  • Images
  • Posts (with or without links)
  • Videos
  • Gifs
  • Polls

When it comes to age and gender on Twitter you are looking at 34% females and 66% males.

While 38% are between the ages of 18 – 29 and 26% between 30 – 49 years old.


Because Instagram is a super visual platform it may be more suitable for entrepreneurs who have a creative business.

Both personal and business accounts exist on Instagram with the ability to see analytics.

The thought of finding cute or amazing images to post 5 days a week can be a huge deterrent for any non-creative business.

There are three parts to Instagram which include the feed, stories and IGTV so it really depends on what you want to accomplish.

In terms of Instagram demographics, there are over 120 million US users on Instagram every month with 56.3% of them being female.

With that in mind, the content that you will need to create for this platform include:

  • Posts (with aesthetic images)
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Stories

You will need to be prepared to create content that can be classed as scroll stoppers or emotion drivers.


While Pinterest started off with simple pins it has become this beast that is testing out a number of different content formats.

There are both personal and business accounts on Pinterest which is similar to Facebook. You get the added benefit of analytics with a business account.

This past week I was presented with content in the format of Stories. I guess you can call them ‘Pinterest Stories’?

They have also been testing videos over the last year but I am not sure it has taken off as they expected.

Of all the users on Pinterest, 88 million are from the US and 71% of users are female.

In the meantime the content formats for Pinterest include:

  • Regular pins (image with a link to content)
  • Static images (no links to anything)
  • Post videos (can include or not include a link)
  • Image carousel (story)

You may probably realise that Pinterest is currently going through a little bit of instability but that is super normal and happens all the time. Haha!


The last and most boring of the 5 platforms is LinkedIn. Even though it is boring it has the potential to turn your business into a great success.

You can promote your business without creating a company page on LinkedIn. You just wouldn’t get access to rich analytics.

This is because of the ability to display your content in front of the people with the purse or wallet.

I find LinkedIn demographics quite interesting. There are 167 million users from the US on the platform and 43% of them are female.

Here are the various formats that you can expect to find on LinkedIn.

  • Posts (with or without links)
  • Images
  • Videos (native and Live)
  • Articles
  • Slides (Slideshare)
  • Document (files or attachments)

In a similar fashion to Instagram the LinkedIn platform seem to offer many options to promote content to your audience.

What Format Makes Your Content Attractive or Memorable?

Now that you know what platforms are available it is time to decide which format will make your content attractive.

In other words, if your blog post is a step by step guide or can be made into a checklist, cheat sheet or workbook then it is something you need to consider.

Think of the message that you are trying to get across to the audience as well as the best way for them to consume that content.

To help you decide on the format let’s take a look at Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning.

As you can see if your ultimate goal is for your audience to retain 90% of what you are saying they need to learn by doing.

If you want them to retain 50% of your content then they need to attend a show or see a demonstration.

Maybe you only want to give them a small taste of what you are offering so that they can pay to experience the rest so reading and hearing will work fine.

Content Repurposing In 3 Hours or Less

Now that you know where your audience is, which platforms will give you the best return on your investment and what formats to use.

It is time to get that blog post converted into usable content.

Step 1

Head over to Google docs and create a new blank document. Grab a copy of the blog post and paste it into the blank document.

If you write a lot like me you’ll probably get between 10-16 pages of content inside your Google document.

Step 2

Scroll down to the bottom of the Google document and insert a table that has 3 columns and 10-12 rows.

Label the columns as platform, caption and link or image. Feel free to add a 4th column for hashtags if you already know your niche hashtags for each platform.

Step 3

Scan the existing blog post for sentences, quotes (by you), phrases and stories that can be used as captions or on images.

As you can see I decided to use a similar caption across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Step 4

Head over to and create images that go with these captions and insert them into the section labelled image or link.

Remember the goal here is not to overthink the process. It could be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be.

Step 5

Create a quick script for a 3-10 minute video that you can use to teach using Facebook Live.

All you need to do is make a list of the 5 key points each with 3-5 sub points that you can present to your audience in 5 minutes or less.

Remember that you can copy content from your blog post (from the WordPress edit screen) and paste it into directly.

Once you are happy with the script, make a plan to log in to SteamYard and go live on your Facebook page. You can check out my social media live here.

There is no need to worry about adding an SRT file because Facebook now adds subtitles to videos automatically.

Step 6

Optimise the Facebook Live presentation for keywords and place additional content that can be uploaded to SlideShare as a presentation.

If you have never used the SlideShare platform before then the key thing to remember is that the important aspect that makes your content findable is that it is search engine (SEO) optimised.

The supported formats are pdf, doc and ppt (Powerpoint). You can also include a link to a video inside a pdf document.

Step 7

Take the content from the Facebook Live presentation and create an engaging quiz that you can use as an Instagram Story.

If you are new to Instagram Stories then the best way to explain it is that is a compilation of videos and/or still images.

You need to have a minimum of 3 slides to indicate a start, middle and end for it to be effective.

Step 8

Write a Pinterest description with hashtags and create a few pins for your post to be uploaded to Pinterest.

Step 9

Head over to Canva and make a 1080 x 1080 Gif presentation. Then go to, upload the images and make a gif file for social media.

Here is an example of mine that I made in Canva. You will notice that the process is quite simple as it is just a matter of stepping through a story board

I uploaded mine to Giphy which you can see in action here.

You may also want to add a caption or description in your table to help the viewer to figure out what’s happening in the gif as it plays.

There is also an app called Boomerang that you can download on your phone to create image gifs.

You can use it to create a quick video which can be saved and uploaded to Instagram or Facebook Stories.

Step 10

Create a meme that is associated with your blog post. Head over to Canva and grab the image that best represents that meme thought in your head.

My meme phrase is, “that look on your face when you see your competitor’s stats.”

Here is what it looks like in Canva. I used a 1080×1080 template and left spaces at the top and bottom for the meme text.

Download your image from Canva and upload it to to make your meme.

You can go to to grab your emojis. Here is my completed version.

If you want to see the meme on social media then head over here to see it in action.

Step 11

Take your Instagram story and use it as a story for your Facebook Business page tweaking it as you see fit.

The key to content repurposing for a Facebook story is to focus on your objective or goal for creating that piece of content.

Step 12

Head back over to Canva and use the content from the animated gif to create a Pinterest video pin or animated gif for Pinterest.

It may seem like a lot of work initially but remember that with Canva you can simply copy contents from one design and paste it into another.

Whew, that was so much fun. I hope you had just as much fun as I did when you sat down to do your content repurposing.

As you can see creating 11 pieces of content in 3 hours or less is totally doable and the rewards are amazing.


Promoting your content across social media does not have to be boring at all.

Especially if you love animals or if you are a fur parent think of all the excitement you can have making memes all day long.

Of course, if you don’t want memes to be part of your brand I totally understand.

At the end of the day content repurposing can be as broad or as narrow as your want it to be.

Another option that you can consider is going live on LinkedIn. You can also take your Facebook Live and upload it to IGTV.

You can even take your super long blog post and write a snappy version that you can publish as a LinkedIn article.

For a more in depth version of your content you can take the blog post and turn it into a workshop, masterclass or a simple online demonstration.

If you would prefer to outsource this entire process remember that this is a service that I offer to clients.

Just send me an email or complete the contact form if you are too shy to email me directly.

Over to you, what has been your experience turning your blog post into several pieces of content?


Remember to subscribe to the Success Unscrambled Podcast where you will be the first to hear what’s happening in the entrepreneurial and digital marketing world.

Your positive review of this podcast is vital to keeping it alive and running for the next 12 – 24 months so please leave a positive review for us on iTunesSpotify, Deezer or any of your favourite podcast players.

If you are looking for ways to come up with ideas for your next few blog posts then grab these awesome blog post ideas.

Are you struggling to find time to get all your blogging tasks completed each week? Check out this helpful blogging schedule resource.

Do you need to get your tasks completed quicker or more efficiently? Take a look at these remote working tools to skyrocket your productivity.

My focus continues to be helping creative female entrepreneurs to gain more visibility on their business by providing simplified marketing techniques.

I do this because I want to encourage you to spend more time doing the things you love with the people that mean everything to you.

Alvern Bullard

Alvern is an avid blogger for 10 years and the host of the Success Unscrambled podcast. Read Alvern's inspiring story from her eye-opening experience 3 years ago to becoming a Blogger and Podcaster with a dream to reduce illiteracy among women. Feel free to send Alvern a message here.

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