How A Life Coach Can Help You Achieve Success

Lindsey Vertner Life Coach

On this episode of the Success Unscrambled Podcast we have a special guest on and her name is Lindsey Vertner.

She is  International Personal Development Life Coach and Transformational Speaker who specialises in helping the overwhelmed woman who feels like she is just stuck and cannot get to the next level that she is trying to achieve in her career or personal life.

Lindsey Vertner - Life Coach

The Top 5 Things She Offers As A Life Coach

  1. Overcoming Fear
  2. Recognising and Healing Limiting Beliefs
  3. Practicing Self Care
  4. Practicing Work Life Balance
  5. Time Management

Why Is A Life Coach

It is her passion to help other women because she was that girl that was overwhelmed.  She has the background children and marriage but she felt like something was still missing.  She was in a ‘fatal’ care wreck, she was brain dead many times.  In 2007 she was pronounced dead on the scene of a car wreck and she was brought to the nearest trauma hospital where she was pronounced brain dead again.

Because they could not identify her they decided to keep her alive on the machines until the found her family and she eventually pulled through from her diagnosed state.

She suffered brain trauma, paralysis and she does not recall an entire week of her life.  She had a lot of physical injuries and a lot of inner injuries like cognition, understanding and focus.  She had to coach herself to get back to where she needed to be as she had short term memory loss.  She did not remember many of her friends and colleagues.

What She Enjoys Most About Being A Life Coach

She enjoys watching the ladies transform. She feels honoured and humbled to watch that take place and that women would trust her to come into their lives.  To see when they get that aha moment.  She believes that every woman has what it takes to level up but they need just a little bit of help pulling it out and that is where she comes in and she loves it.

Her Role Model

Her mother is the one who inspired her.  Her mother was a single Mom who raised three children, Lindsey and her two brothers. 

She already put two of her children through college and her little brother is yet to graduate. 

Watching her Mother’s strength to keep her household together and allow all 3 children to have a happy childhood even when times were tough.  Her mother was always very supportive of what Lindsey wanted to do.

Best Advice She Ever Received

It is all about perspective.  Any time you are going through that negative situation it is just finding that perspective that can help you take the lesson and grow from it. Sitting in negativity is not going to help you or anyone else around you.

What Does Success Mean To Lindsey

Being able to create a life that she wants to live.  Having quality moments with her husband and her children.

Travelling and experience things that many people don’t get to experience.  She never wants to take that for granted she just loves having that quality time.

Making those memories as that is what really matters.  Creating the life that she wants so that she can have that time, freedom and flexibility to create those memories that she wants.  She also wants to be a great example for her children.

That Thing with the Biggest Impact

Knowing that when you have a small idea, it’s important to act on it.  Because you’ll never know who you’re going to touch and how you’re going to help them.

Once you realise that it changes your perspective because then she feels selfish whenever she let’s fear control her actions. 

It could be that she is not doing what she supposed to do that in turn helps others do what they need to do or overcome their situation.

She definitely thinks that everyone has a purpose.  It so amazing when you find your purpose and use it for good. 

She likes to look at it like a puzzle.  We are all pieces of this puzzle, a bigger picture when situations occur in life you will wonder why is this happening to me but down the line you’ll more pieces to the puzzle and you’ll think oh okay this makes sense.

Sometimes that lesson was not for you but for someone else and they have more pieces to their puzzle and something you did just gave them more pieces. Even though that wasn’t your lesson you were still part of the bigger picture.

Fun Questions

[clickToTweet tweet=”The worst piece of advice she ever received.  Sticks and stones could break your bones but talking cannot hurt you.” quote=”The worst piece of advice she ever received.  Sticks and stones could break your bones but talking cannot hurt you.” theme=”style4″]

Something that you cannot do that you wish you could do.  Speak Spanish fluently.  She always loved the sound of the Spanish dialect.  It’s a very popular language so she wants to be able to converse.

Her big goal for the year.  to have an amazing women’s empowerment conference.

Something on her bucket list.  To travel to all the areas in Africa.

Who would she trade places with for one day.  She chose Oprah.  She wants to be able to make new friends.

Guilty pleasure.  It is between snacks and The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Final Advice

As a life coach, Lindsey’s advice is; if you have to take that leap.  Stop procrastinating.  Follow your dream, you have to overcome that fear and just do it.  The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, fear of not being good enough.

As women we often put everyone else before us. Even if we are in a 9-5 we always put our bosses our current job before our own needs.  So her advice would be; don’t feel guilty putting yourself first.  It is very important that you think about your passions and your needs and your wants and the things that make you happy and also maintain self care.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Put yourself first because in the long run you can’t pour from an empty cup.” quote=”Put yourself first because in the long run you can’t pour from an empty cup.” theme=”style2″]

You are trying to help all these people and you are not caring for yourself but if you don’t you’ll run on e (empty).  We can experience burnout or depression.

Where Can You Find Her Online

You can find her at  You can get a free time management gift (daily brain detox) if you visit this link here.

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