
7 Books For Bloggers That Will Increase Your Success

Did you know that success all starts in your mind which is a very powerful tool?

Have you ever wondered what are the best books for bloggers to improve their future?

If you have been a blogger for a while or maybe you are thinking of starting a blog there are a number of things you need to know about success.

In fact, even if you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, a digital nomad or a starting a location independent business you need this as well.

You see many of us struggle because we believe that all that what we have learned up until this point is what we need to help us become successful.

The truth is we all need to undergo change daily to overcome hurdles, to take calculated risks and get out of our comfort zone.

In this post, I am going to reveal to you 7 of the finest books for bloggers to help you with many areas of your growth including the most important – mindset.

Disclaimer: please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you buy one of my recommended products I get paid a commission for sharing the link at no additional cost to you.  I only recommend products that I have tried myself and have experienced success.

Why Do We Need To Read?

As humans, we go through so many changes in our life that it just seems unreal.

No one teaches us to be toddlers but we turn two and learn to cope with life and tantrums.

Many books have been written on teen life but everyone is different. The awkward age when you are clumsy even before teen life does not come with a manual.

This may not have occurred to you but the vast majority of our lives we spend as adults.

We are only children for the first 18 years then adulthood just happens to us and unfortunately that does not come with a manual either.

So, how on earth does one navigate this thing call life? Some of us are lucky in that we know exactly what we are passionate about.

However, many of us continue to float around in life trying to figure out our purpose and passion.

photo by Matthew Henry

College Statistics

Did you know that in a 2013 Washington Post article it was found that only 27 per cent of college grads have a job that is related to their major?

You are probably wondering what about the other 73%? Well, that continues to be one of the questions on everybody’s mind.

Find more statistics at Statista

As you can see from the statistics over 49,000,000 people earned their college degree in 2017. This is in the US alone.

49 million people is a huge number. It would be interesting to see where they are today after a few years.

The world we knew 50 years ago is changing and we need to adopt or be left behind.

So, how do we remain relevant? What are our current options? When will the robots take over? What can we offer that robots can’t?


In a 2015 study, it was found that 27 million people in the US are entrepreneurs.

It represents only 14 per cent of the working age population. Of course, we need to ask the question how did they do it?

John Greathouse in a Forbes article dated back in 2016 answered the question about millennial entrepreneurs needing a college education.

To put it into context, John is a serial entrepreneur himself and he is also a professor.

He advises that millennials, between the ages of 18 and 22, still need to go to college to develop emotionally.

In the article, he also advises that the military and the Peace Corps are great alternative options.

So what about those in their late 20s? Also, those in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s?

As there is not a school of life available one great option is learning from others who have ‘been there and done that’. They wrote about their experiences in books.

Kathleen Elkins, in a 2018 article on CNBC advises about the Warren Buffet’s secret of reading 500 pages a day.

photo by Samantha Hurley

Benefits of Reading

One day, Warren Buffet told the students in 2000 that the way knowledge works is very similar to compound interest.

You need to build up the knowledge over time. One of the students present, Todd Combs, decided to take up the challenge.

He even went as far as reading 1,000 pages a day. Combs now works for Berkshire Hathaway and is in line to become CEO after Warren Buffet retires.

There is one thing that I took away from that article that Warren Buffet said which floored me.

He said, “All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” Why are we so reluctant to read?

Get out your violin, let me start with my excuse, lol! I just cannot read 500 pages a day. For me, it will be difficult.

I know that there are several speed-reading programs available and I have tried at least one and failed.


Let’s face it we all need a change in our attitude for success as well as our achievement mindset.

I need to ask myself how big is my why and how hungry am I for this level of success?

What am I willing to do to get what I so desperately need to achieve? I’ll be the first to put my hand up and state that some books are very boring.

My personal preference is non-fiction as I am a very practical kind of person who is looking for personal transformation, not fairy dust.

Every single time I believe that my ‘why’ is big enough I am then faced with the reality that it still is not there yet.

Success requires a huge shift in the way we think and behave. Until that happens we will struggle to achieve our big, scary goals.

7 Books For Bloggers

At the start of this post, I promised to introduce you to the 7 books that I read where I experienced changes in my perception of reality.

The reason why it is important for me to share them with you is that they will give you some valuable tools to help you persevere.

Angela Lee Duckworth in a TED Talk addressed an amazing discovery on the power of passion and perseverance.

She conducted several studies on kids and adults as she wanted to find out what made people successful and why.

What she and her team discovered was that what made people in all of the situations successful was something called ‘grit’.

In her talk, Angela described grit as passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. She believes that it is having a growth mindset.

I have had a passion for the last 10 years of my life and it gets stronger every single day. I want to introduce to you those books that helped me develop this grit or growth mindset.

1. StrengthsFinder

Many years ago while I was in work they decided to help us as employees find our strengths.

I participated in a seminar over a few days and it was the first time I became keenly aware that I had certain strengths compared to others.

As a child and teenager, I always won the award for being the ‘best all-rounder’.

It was so annoying because I just wanted to specialise in some area rather than being good at everything I did.

If you haven’t taken this test before then I suggest that you either pick up a copy of the book or go to their website to learn more.

You will be relieved to find out your strengths as it helps to give you a sense of direction.

2. The Traveler’s Gift

One of the best books that I have ever read that has enabled me to develop a growth mindset is The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews.

If you have read it before then I suggest that you read it again. If you never heard of it then feel free to pick up a copy asap.

I think I am reading it for the 4th or 5th time. It is that powerful when it comes to having the right mindset for success.

It thought me so much about gratitude and changing my current circumstances.

By far the most important lesson is found in Chapter 6 of the book. Where the character in the book had the passion and perseverance for 19 years.

We live in such a world of instant gratification. Imagine having a dream for 19 years before it becomes a reality?

3. The Little Book of Thinking Big

There are so many practical examples in this book for you to learn about taking advantage of the way your brain works.

I am of course referring to The Little Book of Thinking Big by Richard Newton. It is a small book but packed full of practical information.

However, the most relevant is understanding the difference between flowing and stacking.

It even takes time to show you how to grab those times when you have or notice potential bright ideas and develop them into something profound.

Let’s just say you need to read this book as I am reading it for the second time.

It is one of those books that is full of some amazing nuggets that you can use to attain the success that you need.

You can find many ways to develop a growth mindset here as well.

4. It’s Rising Time

It’s Rising Time, by Kim Kiyosaki, is a very practical book for women who want to change their money mindset.

We were all brought up with a certain attitude and belief when it comes to money and investment.

They certainly don’t teach it this way in college. However, Kim Kiyosaki spends time explaining it all for us to understand.

In her first chapter, she mentions a surprising study taken in 2010 about women and their financial future.

The study highlighted the fact that women refused to get actively involved in their financial planning because:

  1. They have little knowledge
  2. Find the topic confusing and overwhelming
  3. They have no time

It is vitally important that as a woman you spend time getting to understand your finances.

Here’s another reason why; “87% of the elderly living in poverty are women”.

What are you waiting for? Grab that book as soon as possible.

5. The 4-Hour Work Week

Okay, up next is The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. I think I have read this 3 times.

I have another copy in my kindle app on my phone as it is another one of those practical books.

You will read a book like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill where there are no practical applications.

However, this book has so many practical examples so that you can take action with several resources as well.

One of his examples is using a service like Brickwork in India which has become quite expensive over time.

So you may want to use a different resource like or (Talent)

Tim also has some outrageous suggestions on ways to improve your mindset, your time and your productivity.

6. The One Thing

No list of books would be complete without me talking about the book called The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

Gary takes that whole concept of the Pareto Principle also known as the 80/20 rule to a whole new level.

Every single day I find myself asking that one important question. “What is the one thing I can do today to bring my life or business forward?”

They make the to-do list a thing of the past and really allows the reader to develop a super focused attitude to life and business.

I also like the way they are super focused on productivity in that they encourage you to be productive at the time of the day best suited to your personality.

7. Serve No Master

Jonathan Green, the author of Serve No Master, brings you the ultimate dream both in his book and on his podcast.

He works really hard with many of the big names in the industry to develop products and courses to make money online.

I have worked with him on one of his projects which was no small feat. The amount of work he puts into one course is tremendous.

His book is the ultimate guide to move from having an employee mindset to that of an entrepreneur.

He literally takes you step-by-step from your current situation to making extra money all the way to firing your boss.

The good news is that you can buy his book on Kindle.

Bonus Book – The Purpose Driven Life

My list of suggested books would not be complete without focusing on your purpose.

Experiencing success and happiness will not be possible if we are not aligned with your purpose.

Thanks to The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, you can connect with the key to your life so that you can have peace.

We are all here for a reason with a gift to serve others and it would be a huge shame if we do not fulfil that purpose in our lifetime.

Go ahead and grab a copy before it is too late.


Achieving your goals in life can be possible by understanding your ‘why’ as well as being prepared to grow emotionally.

This is something that you will not learn in college or via one program. You will realise that it would take several mentors to get you there.

These mentors can be in the form of books, courses, mentorship and/or masterminds.

It is so very important that you realise what it takes to achieve the success that you want.


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If you suck at achieving your blogging goals then check out this rare blog content planner to smash your big goals.

Are you thinking of starting a blog? Check out some blog niche ideas that will help you reduce blogging errors.

Want to take advantage of some free traffic to your blog from Pinterest? Check out my Pinterest tips here.  Grab these 20 tools used by successful blogs.

If you are a startup or small business and you need to hire a virtual assistant to complete tasks such as social media marketing, blogging, keyword research or Pinterest account management then take a look at these packages.

Alvern Bullard

Alvern is an avid blogger for 10 years and the host of the Success Unscrambled podcast. Read Alvern's inspiring story from her eye-opening experience 3 years ago to becoming a Blogger and Podcaster with a dream to reduce illiteracy among women. Feel free to send Alvern a message here.

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