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How to Make a Video Podcast [Tips, Tricks and Tools to Use]

It was only 17 minutes long but I sat glued to my screen and it made me think that I need to make a video podcast.

Just to try it out and see if a video podcast episode would slow down my site in the first instance.

Also, if it would gain more traction compared to my standard audio podcast clips.

Of course, it would mean I have to find a specific place to do the recording.

I’d also need to get dressed, including make-up (to display your facial features) or at least look decent.

If you’re here because creating video podcasts is of interest to you, stay a while.

Let me know if these are the questions on your mind.

Are video podcasts the best option for your topic or subject matter?

What video equipment or software can you use to record it?

Video vs audio podcasts which one is better apart from the video element?

Can you record solo episodes for video podcasts?

In this post, you learn how to get started with video podcasts, the best technology available on the market and all about doing guest interviews.

Disclosure: Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that if you buy one of my recommended products I get paid a commission for sharing the link at no additional cost to you.  I only recommend products that I have tried myself and have experienced success.

The Pros and Cons of Video Podcasting

If you are like me and you like to weigh the options before jumping on something new.

Then you’d like this quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of video podcasting.

Advantages of Video Podcasting

As someone who enjoys creating video content, it is easy for me to see all the positive aspects of doing video.

  • Increases conversion rates
  • Easier connection with your audience
  • People get to see your expressions
  • The visual element appeals to visual people
  • Longer retention rates
  • A great way to reach new audiences
  • It’s a good idea to gain new listeners and a wider audience

Video Podcast Disadvantages

While the switch from audio to video podcast may sound simple here are some things to consider before diving in.

  • You’ll need to look presentable
  • Lighting is important
  • Editing may take longer
  • People can see your background
  • A good camera or video software is required

Taking advantage of a green screen can certainly assist with making your background more secure.

As you can see there are quite a number of considerations and preparedness required when considering a video podcast.

Types of Video Podcast

It is important to consider the type of video podcast that you want to create in a similar fashion to audio podcasts.

Here’s a list of the various podcast types.

  1. Solo episode
  2. Interview
  3. Panel discussion
  4. Drama presentation

It will become apparent quite quickly that all podcast types are not created equal especially when it comes to recording video.

Other considerations include doing a video series, live videos or video show by season.

The two easiest types to create via video are solo and doing an interview with another person.

However, having more than two people on a video recording adds a different level of complexity.

A dramatised video presentation is the most complex format of them all as you’ll need to include a lot of visual stimuli.

It is complex because, in many cases, you’ll need to account for the quality of the broadband connection of each participant as well as potential background noises.

If you’ve ever done a podcast interview you’ll be aware of this thing called cross-talk that can be difficult to get right 100% of the time.

Post Production Considerations

Before we spend time looking at how to make a video podcast it is important to also investigate the editing phase.

This reminds me of when I first got started in creating audio podcasts.

I had no idea how to edit the audio file and trusted the software to do the job.

It would make sense to get a seasoned video editor to do the post-production of your videos in an ideal world.

However, if you plan to do this yourself and you have very little video editing experience be prepared for a sharp learning curve.

Video editing can be easy if you know the software inside and out. You’ll need to include transition effects as well as a still image as the custom thumbnail.

Just be patient as it can take several hours for the first couple of months.

Decide beforehand what you would like to edit out in terms of mistakes and bloopers.

Video Podcasting Tools

When it comes to recording a video podcast there are a number of things that you need to take into consideration.

Here’s a list of items.

  1. Broadband connection
  2. Smartphone or laptop
  3. Microphone
  4. Camera
  5. Recording software
  6. Streaming live

As you can see the list of items needed to create beautiful video podcast episodes is not extensive.

However, getting it right is not simple.


This is going to sound hilarious but I live in the sticks and have one of the worse broadband connections in the world.

It’s so bad that I use two different providers every day.

Even if your situation is not similar to mine consider having a plan B in place.

Smartphone or laptop

After years of going back and forth recording on my laptop and smartphone, I’ve decided to settle on my laptop.

You may have a different preference but spend time thinking of the completed video and what you want for the user to experience.

In fact, let’s look at microphones as this will inevitably affect your choice of device.


The quality of the sound on both audio and video podcasts is so important for retention rates.

This is why many professional podcasters decide on a high-quality microphone set up for their show.

It’s been 4 years and I still continue to use my apple EarPods and they work just fine. I am planning to get a Rode microphone at some stage in the future.

Depending on the mic, you may need to connect to your laptop with an XLR connection or USB jack.

Your connection will dictate the type of device you’ll use.


So, while a camera is not important for an audio podcast, video podcasts will need a good camera.

During my podcast interviews, I’ve always used the built-in camera on my MacBook Air.

What I’ve noticed is that Skype is not great for video podcasts, unless both participants have great broadband and awesome cameras.

Let’s look at a list of recording software that’s ideal for video podcasts.

Recording Software

As I mentioned previously, I’ve used Skype and it has not been great.

However, here’s a list of software that has worked for me, really well, on several occasions.

  1. Zoom (surprised?)
  2. StreamYard
  3. Restream
  4. BeLive
  5. Vimeo
  6. Ecamm Live
  7. FB Live
  8. Instagram Live

With so many options available to choose from it would be surprising if there wasn’t one that suits your needs.

How to Record a Video Podcast [Step by Step]

It will be super important to decide on the type of podcast you will be recording before looking at the right equipment.

For solo episodes write an outline of what will be covered during the show.

If you plan to interview a guest, have your questions ready and send over the main questions to your guest to help them prepare.

Whenever I do a podcast interview, I tend to hold back on 3-5 questions that I ask near the end of the show.

After deciding on the format of the show, the topic as well as the outline or questions.

It’s time to look at the equipment or software.

Step 1

Choose a platform or software that makes you feel the most comfortable during a recording.

There’s nothing worse than having to fiddle with technology before, after or during a show.

So, choose wisely and do a test run if it makes sense.

Step 2

Set up the technology before putting on your make up and outfit.

Getting the software and equipment ready can make you sweaty and stressed.

I’ve learned over the years to get this out of the way as a first step.

Step 3

Get dressed for the show, wear clothes that will make you feel comfortable and keep your body temperature normal.

The last thing you want is to feel too warm or too cold during the recording of the show.

Put on the necessary make-up to ensure that your facial expressions will show well on camera.

Step 4

Get your water, pen + paper and any other props ready for the show.

Use the toilet 7-10 minutes before the show to avoid having a full bladder during the show where your bursting to go.

Also, turn off or remove distracting or potential background noises from the room.

Step 5

Five minutes before the show goes live start the show without going live (if you are streaming).

This will help you detect any potential emergencies or tech failures and prevent you from getting flustered.

Take a look at yourself in the camera just to ensure that you are happy with the way you look.

Step 6

After you guest has arrived it is your job to ensure that they feel relaxed to help things run smoothly.

Ask them how they are doing, if they are nervous and have a little conversation about life.

Once everyone is settled it is time to press the record button.

Introduce yourself and your guest and get the show started.

Step 7 – Video Podcast Hosting

Once the video editing has been completed be sure to host your video podcast on a platform that can handle it.

I know that quite a few people host their video podcasts on YouTube.

However, there are other options available that offer specific video podcast hosting with an RSS feed like Libsyn and Blubrry.

Some of them include a podcast website as standard, to help you display your podcast content.

Be sure that your podcast host distributes your show on Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts, Amazon, Deezer and Spotify.

Step 8

Remember to promote your video podcast on social media platforms by simply highlighting shorter video clips.

Your video files would need to be between 59 and 118 seconds in length and converted to social videos using Clipscribe or Kapwing.

Feel free to separate the audio clips from the video and host the audio podcast on a regular podcast host.

This means that you can create a YouTube channel to host the YouTube videos of your podcast separately.

A Few Considerations

If you are going live on Instagram, you’ll be given the option to save the recording to IGTV or to download it.

Always choose the download option as there isn’t a way to download the recording after the fact.

It is possible to record solo episodes inside of Zoom and StreamYard to give you that crisp finish.

Sometimes the computer fan can be an annoying source of background noise.

On my laptop, the fan tends to come on when I am editing video so it would make sense not to have anything else running in the background while recording a show.

Remember that the secret to speed up your editing time is to ensure that the audio and video quality during recording is brilliant.

Also, allow for only a few mistakes, when there is an error have a long pause and re-record that sentence.

Your time is valuable, so outsource the editing to someone else wherever possible.


The first time you make a video podcast is going to be hard work, I’m not going to pretend that it is easy.

However, it does get easier with more practice and you’ll reach a larger audience of monthly podcast listeners.

One of the key benefits of doing video podcasts compared to audio podcasts is the fact that your listeners connect with you faster.

This leads to more and higher conversions over time.

At the end of the day, you’ll generate more revenue if your funnels are set up efficiently to give your clients an amazing experience.

It means that you’ll also need to have well-aligned and seamless business systems that are fully automated.

If you need to bring on someone to help you implement an amazing revenue-generating system, book some time in my calendar here to see how we can work together.

So, over to you, have you ever thought about starting a video podcast?


Remember to subscribe to the Success Unscrambled podcast where you will be the first to hear what’s happening in the entrepreneurial and digital marketing world.

Your positive review of this podcast is vital to keeping it alive and running for the next 12 – 24 months so please leave a positive 5-star review for us on iTunesSpotify or any of your favourite podcast players.

So many small business owners underestimate the return on investment of video marketing.

A big reason for this is that there is a certain level of marketing psychology involved in creating great videos.

I started this blog in 2017 because I had a burden on my heart to reduce women illiteracy globally.

Because this is a huge undertaking I have decided to help 1,000 women over the next 10 years to become wildly successful in their online business through simplified marketing strategies.

That way we can build a strong business network of women who can donate 1% of their profit and together we can help reduce women’s illiteracy worldwide.

Would you like to be part of this movement? Shoot me an email using alvern (at) successunscrambled (dot) com.

Alvern Bullard

Alvern is an avid blogger for 10 years and the host of the Success Unscrambled podcast. Read Alvern's inspiring story from her eye-opening experience 3 years ago to becoming a Blogger and Podcaster with a dream to reduce illiteracy among women. Feel free to send Alvern a message here.

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